Monday, 10 November 2014

Assesment Feedback unit1-4


Feedback from my blog

Recorded all pathway activities , study trip and mini projects. Well organised but annotation needs to be developed.

Practical Work

Excellant array of practical work produced across all pathways. Obvious technical ability utilised in the production of motive focused outcome.


willingness to explore a variety of ways of working, dedicated student

Smart Targets 

develop annotation, start by covering the following points: 1  - what went well 2 - what didn't go well, 3 - what artists inspired the work, 4 - how did they inspire your work.

My thoughts on the feedback

I was pleased overall with my feedback on the assessment and understand the points raised, i can see that my efforts of evaluating and analysing my work needs to be developed.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Fine art Pathway

Fine Art Pathway

Robert Rauschenberg

Robert Rauschenberg was an american artist who was a key figure within the pop art movement he was best known for his combines in the 50's using none traditional materials to create a piece art or sculpture.

Beatrice Boyle

These are some images i found by Beatrice Boyle that are quite interesting in the fact the photographs that she has taken are done so with the intentions of manipulating the image later in the process of distressing and painting over the photograph.

My Work

The first  6 images have been produced by scratching and over painting the photographs, i experimented with paint and ink over the images while using fine abrasives as well.

I enjoyed this process of image making and can see the great potential that could have for other paintings and collages etc...

Photo Collage

These photo images below have been produced by collaging several Manchester City photographs in an attempt to represent the roundabout classes

Again i like this process very much and the speed that which different arrangements could be quickly rephotographed printed and used again if wanted.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Textiles Pathway

Textiles Pathway

Contextual Research

Dionne Swift

Dionne Swift is a contemporary textiles designer she uses techniques such as printing dyeing and stitching, she studied embroidary at Goldsmiths college and then studied a masters at the University of England, according to an interview on line she is heavily influenced from her grandparents who were big on knitting, see some of her stuff below

My work

After looking at these in class we were given  a demonstration in the technique of manutex screen printing i then attempted the process myself, my results are photographed below

Inspired by Dolphinholme this was intended to represent the landscape with a tree in the foreground , the cloth was heavily wrinkled before printing after i idid the printing i ironed it flat to reveal the all the white patternation on the surface. On looking at it closer i discovered what i saw is the image of a mushroom on the tree of which i zoomed in on my camera phone and took a picture of the mushroom, i then also cut out some pieces of white paper and laid them top to try and enhance the image of the image.

Initial reframing 

above image with a small piece of paper added to the top 

the one above with two pieces of paper added

with this being my best shot from this experiment.

My other piece that i created in class was inspired by our guest artist Cosmo who's work covered many genres of art including street art a.k.a. grafiiti

On producing this image i first ironed the cloth before printing, this resulted in a more positive print, the bleed of the colours gives a very similar effect to what a spray paint can would, again a reframed zoomed image from my phone below


Saturday, 1 November 2014

Media Pathway

Media Pathway

This is the image i watched before starting the pathway

I watched this film in moving image pathway before going on to having a go at four seconds of 16mm film as photographed below show

the results of which were tagged together along with all the other students which i have not managed to obtain yet.

Photography Pathway

Photography Pathway

In the photography round about class we experimented with simple light drawing, with a small light source in the dark with the camera set on bulb so varied exposures were used to achieve varying results, i did not mange to collect these images however i have used a similar image below for a example

Below are a small selection of images and photographers that appeal to me

Erwin Blumenfeld

Erwin Blumenfeld (1897-1969) was a german photographer who was a renowned for fashion photography he had many publications in Vogue and Harpers Bazaar in the 40s and 50s, he was best known for his celebrity portraits and fine art photography and key figure in the Dada movement.

This image is a superb example of a pictorial collage with a deeper ulterior motive

This image above is another good example of manipulated photography to produce a powerful graphic artistic image this being a element of art photography that appeals to me greatly.

David Hockney

David Hockney is an artist who covers many different disciplines in art including photography and major key figure in the pop art movement

This appeals to me for several reasons firstly the elongated shadow of figure in the foreground drags my eyes into the rest of the image, the car to the left appears to as a classic piece of americana giving a sense of realism to the dinosaurs in the distance.

I have been using basic photography in different processes in my other round about tasks, these are some example below of reframing and resizing and moving on to a new solid image which could again be repeated/reproduced.

This above was the original set of 9 mono prints from my visual communication brief

I also had a go at collaging a few of my old photographs from from manchester city centre, see below

i found this a very effective way of being able to compose a picture from other photographs to create a mother picture that can be easily reproduced and then continue to compose another picture from the same source of photographs.


Friday, 31 October 2014

3d Wire Drawing Pathway

3D Wire Drawing

I would consider my primary research for this project was the wooden and metal sculpture that you will find on my daily posts made from the found objects post see below

Contextual research 

Robin Wight 3D Wire Sculpture

Robin Wight is a 3D wire sculptor from Staffordshire who's work is in my opinion is the best i have seen to date in this area of discipline. His work is inspired by one extremely famous photograph of the fairies at the bottom of the garden and  believed to have been taken by two little girls at the bottom of their garden, which obviously came out that it was fake. see below

This is were his inspiration to create fairies with his sculpture started and and has since produced some beautiful pieces of artwork. The methods he uses to create his work is to create a small scale model from sketches using a central stick man like frame made from heavier gaged wire than the wire  wrapped around the main structure, the wire wrapped around forms the body mass of the outer shape, when successful he then scales the sculpture up, see below

Rachel Ducker

Rachel Ducker is a contemporary artist who originally trained as a jeweller but then turned her hand to wire sculptures of human figures in many different dynamic poses

So in class on the day i made this figure below as a practice first piece

I then decided to make another piece inspired by the pose of the wooden sculpture from the found objects assignment, drawing  on information gained from the above research on the artist from above.
I first sketched what i had in mind, see below

Firslty i decided to triple up on the wire and twist the cores together in a attempt to give a wood grain like look, see below

  I then went  on to form my own frame, i decided not to use a central frame instead more of a caged frame as you can see below

This being my first piece of wire which set the size and scale of the the whole piece

To this were i reduced the gage of the wire to continue building the mass and form, the smaller gage wire wound together in several strands can be reduced back to one strand to attach the main caged frame, this reduces the size of the graft.

I continued to add wire aiming to stay within the cage and general dimensions of the figure,

For the next stage i decided to attach a head before i filled the other side of the body

For last piece of the process i continued to fill the frame, with this being my end result below

Quite pleased with my end results although i quite confident i could improve on this medium of sculpture with more practice, the piece viewed from all angles does show imperfections in the form however shadowing in stronger light can also flatter the piece. I will most likely embark on another figure to see if i can improve this skill.