Friday, 31 October 2014

3d Wire Drawing Pathway

3D Wire Drawing

I would consider my primary research for this project was the wooden and metal sculpture that you will find on my daily posts made from the found objects post see below

Contextual research 

Robin Wight 3D Wire Sculpture

Robin Wight is a 3D wire sculptor from Staffordshire who's work is in my opinion is the best i have seen to date in this area of discipline. His work is inspired by one extremely famous photograph of the fairies at the bottom of the garden and  believed to have been taken by two little girls at the bottom of their garden, which obviously came out that it was fake. see below

This is were his inspiration to create fairies with his sculpture started and and has since produced some beautiful pieces of artwork. The methods he uses to create his work is to create a small scale model from sketches using a central stick man like frame made from heavier gaged wire than the wire  wrapped around the main structure, the wire wrapped around forms the body mass of the outer shape, when successful he then scales the sculpture up, see below

Rachel Ducker

Rachel Ducker is a contemporary artist who originally trained as a jeweller but then turned her hand to wire sculptures of human figures in many different dynamic poses

So in class on the day i made this figure below as a practice first piece

I then decided to make another piece inspired by the pose of the wooden sculpture from the found objects assignment, drawing  on information gained from the above research on the artist from above.
I first sketched what i had in mind, see below

Firslty i decided to triple up on the wire and twist the cores together in a attempt to give a wood grain like look, see below

  I then went  on to form my own frame, i decided not to use a central frame instead more of a caged frame as you can see below

This being my first piece of wire which set the size and scale of the the whole piece

To this were i reduced the gage of the wire to continue building the mass and form, the smaller gage wire wound together in several strands can be reduced back to one strand to attach the main caged frame, this reduces the size of the graft.

I continued to add wire aiming to stay within the cage and general dimensions of the figure,

For the next stage i decided to attach a head before i filled the other side of the body

For last piece of the process i continued to fill the frame, with this being my end result below

Quite pleased with my end results although i quite confident i could improve on this medium of sculpture with more practice, the piece viewed from all angles does show imperfections in the form however shadowing in stronger light can also flatter the piece. I will most likely embark on another figure to see if i can improve this skill. 

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