Fine Art Pathway
Robert Rauschenberg
Robert Rauschenberg was an american artist who was a key figure within the pop art movement he was best known for his combines in the 50's using none traditional materials to create a piece art or sculpture.
Beatrice Boyle
These are some images i found by Beatrice Boyle that are quite interesting in the fact the photographs that she has taken are done so with the intentions of manipulating the image later in the process of distressing and painting over the photograph.
My Work
The first 6 images have been produced by scratching and over painting the photographs, i experimented with paint and ink over the images while using fine abrasives as well.
I enjoyed this process of image making and can see the great potential that could have for other paintings and collages etc...
Photo Collage
These photo images below have been produced by collaging several Manchester City photographs in an attempt to represent the roundabout classes
Again i like this process very much and the speed that which different arrangements could be quickly rephotographed printed and used again if wanted.
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