Sunday, 28 September 2014

Dolphinholme Farm Glamping Trip

Field trip to Dolphinholme Farm Camp

Before setting out to Dolphimholme i decided i was going to try and use natural materials to create a necklace or a piece of craft type jewellery with a nature theme. I took with me a few hand tools plyers 
a wrasp, a file, a pad saw, and a hand drill with the intentions of looking for small knotted pieces of wood. 

On arrival at Dolphinholme while checking out the camp i found myself down at the river not having been very successful at finding the type of bits of wood i originally had in mind, however down at the river i was drawn to the tactile nature of the pebbles, on touching and inspecting a few i discovered several different types of rock some of which had a very choky smooth feel and appeared relatively easy to cut or drill, like the stones below

Pebbles as found

Here are some of the pebbles i test drilled to see if the rock was soft enough for my hand drill

As you can see from the picture above i tried various sizes in pebbles and different diameters of holes  in the pebbles. 

I selected six stones drilled small holes in each end and linked together as a chain with steel wire to create a necklace like below

I then varnished the stones with matt varnish to give them a richer colour. The chain effect of the pierced stones appealed to me, i feel this piece could be improved upon by using smaller more carefully selected stones to give a lighter slimmer more balanced shape, also developing a alternative form of linking, possibly using manufactured chain splitting the links between the pebbles.

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